Monday, 12 April 2010

Don't be a Part

Consumption by humans is on the rise. One report says that the way humans are consuming, we need nine more planets to meet our needs of land, steel, water etc. Consumption increases waste generated. That bring us to topic of plastic pollution. Currently so much plastic waste generated world over. Be it the number of plastic bags given out every time you go shopping or the packaging. Every time one goes shopping, one has a large garbage pile the next day. Take away food is another major contributor to garbage generation. Take away food being so popular leads to vast amount of plastic containers being generated as waste. So much plastic! All these plastic waste mean that many more pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And that much bigger our global warming and climate change problem!
Agreed that you as an individual are not a major contributor to climatic change and global warming problem. The carbon dioxide gas emissions of the industrialized developing countries are the reason we are facing this problem today. And the present greenhouse gas emissions by the developing countries are adding to the problem. We have had developed and developing countries contest on who should be capped and how much during the Copenhagen G8 Summit. So, coming back, individual contributions in separate may not seem to matter. But, individuals make communities. Communities make countries. And countries make up this world. Cumulative effect of the individual effort the world over will be significant.
Average plastic bag or bottle is used for a few minutes while it needs nearly 500 years to decompose. Statistics say that less than 6% of plastic generated is recycled. Majority end up in the landfills. The rest end up in the bellies of the sea turtles and other sea life. A walk along the Khaleed Lagoon, Buheira Corniche will prove it. Peer down the railings and you can see plastic in various forms. Bottles and bags. I feel sad for the fishes nibbling plastic thinking its food. I am sure they have atleast 1 course of plastic for every meal. Watch this video:
Around Sharjah emirate garbage isn’t segregated into plastic, glass and wet waste. How can recycling work without segregation?
Also, why aren’t people attempting to carry own bags while shopping? I do. I use the large reusable plastic bags sold at supermarkets for 50 fils. I find them convenient and saves on atleast 10 bags per trip. CLOTH BAGS are the BEST for environment to use. But it’s forgivable to use plastic bags if you are REUSING them. An average family uses nearly 100 plastic bags per month. One can avoid this waste by carrying own bags. It’s a good idea to keep a spare bag at hand and avoid accepting plastic bags from the stores as much as you can. You just need getting used to…. used to remembering to carry your own bags. And used to refusing unnecessary plastic bags from the stores. Once you start, you will start enjoying it. It’s definitely easier to carry few large sturdy bags than to carry multiple thin bags. The reusable bags look way more ‘COOLER’ and are good for your ‘GREEN’ conscious image.
Plus plastic bags and bottles lying around are such an eye sore!

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