Thursday, 22 April 2010

World Earth Day

April 22 . Celebrated as World Earth Day since last 40 years. I disagree with having only 1 day of 365 dedicated to a global looming crisis. I mean its better than having none at all. It does give an excuse to spread the message. However what I mean is that only 1 day of practising 'Green' isnt going anywhere! One must practise 'Green' 365 days of the year to support the planet. Anyway, coming back to practising 'Green' today, I would like to focus on gardening. While everyones talking about containing carbon footprint (which is very important) and all, we must also remeber a fun and creative we can help our planet. By planting more trees! Well need not be only trees. Any plant, shrub, herb that you grow is a part of the planet and helps it thrive. Big or small that patch of earth you garden is a part of our planet. Even if you dont have a big backyard, what you grow on your front step, roof top or balcony can help our environment and world thrive.
It is very rewarding to even just look at your creation. The beauty of gardening is that anyone can do it. When you invite children to garden with you, even the smallest project yields incredible rewards, from creating special memories to teaching life long skills that encourage healthy living and help environment. So lets come together to celebrate World Earth Day bycreating or adding to our garden. Pick native plants(they are sturdier, contain carbon footprint), conserve water, use  more organic fertilizers, less chemicals and we can work together to help our planet have many more Happy Earth days to come. Go Green Today.

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